Frequently asked questions
Please click on the question marks in the reporting form for explanations of the terminology. All terminology used in the portal is also listed below.
What is the purpose of the Timber Monitoring Survey?
The goal is to support sustainable forest management by promoting responsible sourcing by members of timber trade federations. The portal enables companies and federations to have a better overview of sourcing patterns. This is essential for identifying market developments and targeting interventions to promote responsible sourcing.
How do I deal with products with double certifications?
If a product has been certified for multiple certification schemes, enter only one certification scheme in this reporting form (the choice is up to you) or split the volume over multiple certification schemes. In the case of FLEGT and an additional certification scheme, the country of forest origin or country of processing will identify whether it is sourced with a FLEGT license or not. In this case, fill out the certification scheme and not FLEGT.
Am I an importer?
Your company is considered an importer if it buys (a share of its) timber products on a foreign market (including other EU countries).
Am I a domestic purchaser?
Your company is considered a domestic purchaser if all timber products are bought on the national market.
Do I have to report only timber that is put on the domestic market?
No, all wood sourcing should be accounted, also that what is being exported.
Do I have to report only on the timber that comes from outside the EU?
No, all wood imports should be accounted, this includes timber that originates from countries within the EU, including information on country of forest origin.
I buy products with mixed tropical and non-tropical species (e.g. plywood). Should I check the box "tropical wood" or "non-tropical wood"?
In most cases, the corresponding HS-(customs) code already mentions if the product should be viewed as tropical or not. E.g. plywood with a tropical facing and poplar (temperate hardwood) core, is ranked as tropical plywood. After you filled out the amount and country of processing, you can give a best expert estimate of what % was sourced from which country. In this case, it could e.g. be 4% (Okoumé) from Gabon and 96% (poplar) from China.
What is the security system of the portal? Is the data encrypted?
All software is running up-to-date versions and is updated with new feature-releases. Security patches are installed with highest priority. Backups run daily and are synced and encrypted and transported via secured connections. Of course, users should choose strong passwords.
What is the definition / HS code of each product group?
Sawn, planed and end-jointed wood
Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed (e.g. fingerjointed), of a thickness exceeding 6 mm.
HS codes: 4407
Particle boards
Particle board, oriented strand board (OSB) and similar board (including waferboard) of wood
HS codes: 4410 ex 441090
Oriented strand board (OSB)
HS codes: 441012
Fibre boards
Fibreboard of wood or other ligneous materials
HS codes: 4411
Veneer sheets
HS codes: 4408
Plywood, veneered panels and similar laminated wood
HS codes: 4412 ex. 441231 and 44121000
Wood (including parquet strips and friezes, unassembled), profiles (tongued, grooved, tongue-and-groove, rabbeted)
HS codes: 4409 ex. 44092991 and 44092100 (bamboo)
Other mouldings
Continuously shaped or profiled wood, often as strips and friezes
HS codes: 4409 ex. 44092991 and 44092100 (bamboo)
Doors & accessoiries
Doors and their frames and thresholds
HS codes: 44182
Windows, French-windows and their frames
HS codes: 44181
Shuttering for concrete constructional work (excluding plywood sheets)
HS codes: 44184
Shingles & shakes
Shingels and Shakes
HS codes: 44185
Posts & beams
Posts and Beams
HS codes: 44186
Assembled flooring panels
HS codes: 44187, 44079131 and 44092991 ex 4418 73
Other joinery
Other Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood
HS codes: 44189 ex 44189910
Wood in its natural state as felled, with or without bark. It may be round, split, roughly squared or in other forms. Not sawn in planks or chopped for fuelwood
HS codes: 4403
Roundwood for fencing and wood piling
HS codes: 4403
Engineered structural timber (glulam, CLT, I beams, etc.)
Glue-laminated timber (glulam); Cross-laminated timber (CLT or X-lam); I beams and other.
HS codes: 4418.81, 4418.82, 4418.83, 4418.89
Product groups that are not mentioned here.
Wood-based panels
Chipboard, Oriented Strand Board (OSB), fibreboard made from wood fibers or other wood-like fibres, plywood, plywood and other veneered board materials
HS codes: 4410 ex 441090, 441012, 4411, 4412 ex 441231 en 44121000
Solid wood, laminated and end-jointed wood
Wood, sawn or chipped, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded, end-jointed or laminated, of a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Includes a range of wood products made by joining or fixing parts of wood together with glue or other fastening methods (usually finger jointing and lamination). Including laminated timber beams, tracks, trusses and girders (incl. I-beams, LVL and CLT).
HS codes: 44071, 44072, 44079 ex. 44079131, 44189910